Saturday, January 4, 2014

We all loved old Club Penguin, but when will we get all the rare items back!? This is Connie87888d posting on how DISNEY RUINED CLUB PENGUIN!
Comment below after you read if you agree or disagree and state why or why not. 

These clothes were once very rare to have, but now, Club Penguin's "news paper" admits to reselling these rare items "Sooner or later!"

 Didn't we all love this dance floor? We could put a skull emoticon, and we could watch Club Penguin Band do their thing, but NO! Now, Club Penguin has to have some fake mascot and fake music to show that they "care" for our safety! When really, they could care less about us, since they allow you to be around "gay" penguins, and what the crap!? POOKIES?????  WHAT IS THE POINT!?

Remember the old ball pit of '08 - '09? Well thanks disney, because thanks to you, we don't celebrate parties like we did! I was one of the people that got to enjoy 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008 before it all become "safe!"

Remember the OLD Club Penguin news paper? Well, thanks to the new Club Penguin, WE DON'T GET POETRY OR TOP STORIES!

Remember the skull emoticon? Well thank you disney, because now we can't put what we feel! I'm beginning to think that disney only bought Club Penguin to make kids angry!

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